Tuesday, February 19, 2008

La palabra del Dia

La palabra del dia es cauteloso.
Cauteloso means careful
El camina con cautela atravez del tunel. Se cauteloso cuando salgas del tunel.
Lit: He walks with care thru the tunner. Be careful when you are exiting of the tunnel.

In Spanish we used verbs quite differently. The participle sufix -ing at the end of the verb is used differently. We never say cuando saliendo (when exiting) we say: cuando salgas. In other words when you leave. The -as ending means you (tu).
Cautela is the noun of cauteloso(a) which is the abjective.
Words used:
Caminar: to walk
con: with
cautela: care
con cautela: carefully
atravez: thru
del: of the
tunel: tunnel
salir: to exit
cuando: when
ser: to be
el: he

Cauteloso is pronounced: Ka-oo-te-lo-sso

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